School of Business Studies
0194- 2272246 /0194-227247
Head Of Department's Message
Contact Us
Department of Economics
Vision and Mission Statement
Classroom _ 1
Classroom _ 2
Class _ 3
Computer _ Lab
Research Scholars
Currently Enrolled
Master Students
Masters in Economics
Minutes of Meetings
Departmental _ Committee
DCM _ 2020
Departmental _ Research _ Committee
DRC _ 2024
DRC _ 2023
DRC _ 2022
DRC _ 2021
DRC _ 2020
Board _ of _ Studies
UG _ BOS _ 2022
UG _ BOS _ 2023
Post Graduate
PG__B_O_S _ 2022
Minutes_PG__B_O_S _ 2018
Board _ of _ Research _ Studies
BORS _ 2019 & _ 2020
Conferences _ Seminars_ Workshops
Publication _ 2019 - 2023
Awards _ Medals
Placements _ Gazetted
Eminent _ Visitors
Student Services
Entrance Syllabus
P.G Syllabus
Time table
Spring Session 2nd Sem
Spring Session 4th Sem
Autumn Session 1st Sem
Autumn Session 3rd Sem
Mentor _ Mentee 2019
Mentor _ Mentee 2020
Mentor _ Mentee 2021
Mentor _ Mentee 2022
Mentor _ Mentee 2023
Mentor _ Mentee 2024
Research Scholars
Integrated PhD Course Work Syllabus
Research _ Projects
PG_Field Projects
New _ Courses
Global _Needs
Professional Ethics
Professional Ethics
Mentor/ Mentee 2019 to 2023
Mentorship 2019
Mentorship 2020
Mentorship 2021
Mentorship 2022
Mentorship 2023
Evaluation Complaints/ Grievances
2019 to 2023 2.5.2
3.1.3 Teachers receiving national_international fellowship
3.1.4 Number of JRFs, SRFs Number of research projects funded Ph.D s awarded during last 5 years
Dr Javaid Iqbal Khan
Dr. Effat Yasmin
Dr. Md. Sarfaraz Equabal
3.4.4 research papers published
3.4.5 Books and chapters in edited volumes published
libray 1
library 2
Computer Lab
computer lab1
computer lab 2
Census Workstation
5.1.1 Govt. Scholarships
5.1.6 Grievance Redressal
5.2.1 Placements
Placement (2019-2023)- 1
Placement (2019-2023)- 2
5.2.2 Student Progression to Higher Education
5.2.3 NET/SET/SET/GATE etc
5.3.1 Awards/Medals in Sports/Cultural Activities
Sports Awards
5.3.3 Sports/Cultutal Events
Evaluative Report of the Department
Evaluative report 2019-23
Register As Alumni
Alumni List
Datesheet for MA 4th Semester Batch 2022 & Backlog; Dated: 5-8-2024
notice regarding postponed examination of Macro-II baches 2023 & backlog) Eco/Ku/24, Date 15-07-24; Dated: 16-7-2024
M.A 2nd semester batch 2023 & Backlog Batches 2022 & backlog /Div.improement sesion sprinr 2024; Dated: 4-7-2024
Datasheet GE/OE/ courses 2nd semester batch 2023; Dated: 4-7-2024
Datesheet for GE/OE courses, 2nd Semester; Dated: 20-6-2024
Addendum to Notification regarding PhD Interaction to be held on 27-05-2024; Dated: 27-5-2024
Notification regarding Interaction for Ph.D 2024; Dated: 27-5-2024
TIME TABLE ( REVISED II M.A.2nd Semester 2023 batch; Dated: 21-5-2024
TIME TABLE (REVISED II) M.A. 4TH SEM, BATCH 2022; Dated: 21-5-2024
Notice regarding examination of tourism which was earlier scheduled; Dated: 22-5-2024
Notice regarding Examination scheduled 13-05-2024 is postponed; Dated: 9-5-2024
Datesheet regarding suplimantery exam of 3rd sem 2020-21 batches; Dated: 15-5-2024
Date Sheet of M.A.Economics 4th Semester, Batches 2020 & 2021 Session Spring; Dated: 1-5-2024
Notice regarding RPAC meeting information to all PhD scholars; Dated: 16-4-2024
For open Electives (OE) Generic Electives (GE) for 4th sem 2022; Dated: 22-3-2024
Time Table for opern Elective (OE) Generic Electives (GE) for 2nd Sem batch 2023; Dated: 22-3-2024
Timetable regarding 4th semester 2024 batch 2022; Dated: 4-3-2024
Timetable regarding 2nd semester 2024 batch 2023; Dated: 1-3-2024
Notice regarding Fresh Date of Postponed Examination (Regular/Backlog 3rd semester); Dated: 21-2-2024
Notice regarding posponed exam 3rd sem paper held on 21-02-2024; Dated: 20-2-2024
Conduct of Course work Examination & Copy of Date Sheet; Dated: 30-1-2024
Notice regarding to attend the Viva-Voce of the Ph.D scholar Bashir Ahmad Sofi; Dated: 11-1-2024
Date sheet end term examination of M.A.1st Semester,Batch 2023 & Baclog 2018-to 2022; Dated: 30-12-2023
Date sheet end term examination of M.A.3rd Semester,Batch 2023 & Baclog 2018-to 2021; Dated: 30-12-2023
notice regarding departmental committee meeting on; Dated: 19-12-2023
Notice regarding meeting of the Departmental Committee on 15-12-2023 at 1.00Pm; Dated: 14-12-2023
notice regarding departmental committee meeting on 05 December 2023; Dated: 4-12-2023
Notice regarding Under Graduate Board meeting; Dated: 17-11-2023
Walk-in-Interview for Research Associate to be held on 21-11-2023 at 12.30 pm in the department of Economics, University of Kashmir; Dated: 15-11-2023
list of admitted students batch 2023 .; Dated: 15-11-2023
invitation to join kashmir university Aumni Association; Dated: 8-11-2023
Notice regarding Posponed of MA 4th Semester Batch 2021 and Backlog Batch 2018 to 2020 that their examination of Public Economics .; Dated: 10-10-2023
Datesheet fpr end term examination of M.A.4th semester batch 2021 ,2018-2019 Backlog; Dated: 27-9-2023
Corrigendum to Ph.D. Admission Notice II for Batch 2023; Dated: 14-9-2023
second selection list of provisionally selected candidates for the Ph.D Programme; Dated: 8-9-2023
Time table for GE/OE courses of 3rd Semester, Batch -2022; Dated: 8-9-2023
Time table for GE/OE courses of 1st Semester, Batch -2023; Dated: 8-9-2023
Provisional Selection list for admission to I.Ph.D Programme 2023; Dated: 24-8-2023
Datesheet for GE/OE 4th Semester, Batch-2021; Dated: 23-8-2023
Notice Regarding Bio Metric revelidate their applications by or before 25th, August 2023; Dated: 22-8-2023
Time table 1st Semester, Batch-2023; Dated: 11-8-2023
Time Table Batch 3rd Semester, 2022; Dated: 11-8-2023
Notice regarding class work of PG Ist Sem batch 2023; Dated: 11-8-2023
Notice regarding re-scheduled paper of 2nd semester, Batch-2022; Dated: 9-8-2023
Notice regarding Departmental Committee meeeting isscheduled on today I.e 18-07-2023 at 02.30 pm; Dated: 17-7-2023
Notice regarding Department Committee meeting shall be held today on 17-05-2023 at 2.00 pm in the office chamber of the undiersigneds ro discuss the framing of the syllabus for FYUG Cource; Dated: 16-5-2023
Meeting of the Departmental Committee meeting held on 17-02-2023 at 1.00 pm.; Dated: 16-2-2023
Notice, regarding meeting of all Faculty Members is scheduled to be held on 06-01-2023 at 2:30; Dated: 4-1-2023
Notice regarding online meetinfg of the DRC is scheduled on 24-07-2023 at 2 pm to conduct the interaction of Mr. Vikas Bhagat ( JRF Candidate); Dated: 24-7-2023
Notice regarding committee meeting is scheduled to be held on 26-07-2023 at 2.00 Pm; Dated: 25-7-2023
Notice regarding to Anti-Raging Undertaking through on lilne .; Dated: 2-8-2023
Departmental Commitee Meeting is scheduled on 21-07-2023 at 10.30 AM in the office chamber of the undersigned regarding 4th Annual Conference of the IndianEconomics; Dated: 20-7-2023
Datesheet for 2nd Semester, Batch-2022; Dated: 28-6-2023
Datesheet for GE/OE 2nd Semester, Batch-2022; Dated: 23-6-2023
Notice regarding Interaction who have applied for admission of Ph.D Programme; Dated: 22-6-2023
Time Table for GE/OE courses for 4th semester Batch 2021; Dated: 8-6-2023
Notice regarding syllabus and course frame work for four year under Graduate in light of NEP 2020; Dated: 1-6-2023
Panel discussion on ‘Employment and Growth for all: Challenges and Opprtunities held at KU; Dated: 26-5-2023
Notice regarding,an urgent Departmental Committee Meeting has been Scheduled on 24-05-2023 at 1.45 Pm is the office Chamber of Undersigned.; Dated: 24-5-2023
Datesheet for MA /M.Sc/M.Com Mercy Chance Batches-2013 to 2016; Dated: 12-5-2023
Notice regarding Enrolled students scholars are directed not to bring their vehcles (2 wheelers as well as 4 wheelers); Dated: 8-5-2023
Notice for conduct of vivo-voce of Project Work; Dated: 7-4-2023
Date Sheet for End Term Examination of M.A.3rd Semester,Batch 2021 & Backlogs Batch 2020; Dated: 24-3-2023
Date Sheet for examination of GE and OE Cources batch 2021; Dated: 24-3-2023
Notice-ViVa-Voce Examination of the Ph.D Scholar No 1; Dated: 14-3-2023
Notice regarding Viva-Voce Examination of the Ph.D Scholar No 2; Dated: 14-3-2023
Notice regarding Lecture; Dated: 13-3-2023
Notice regarding Extension Lecture; Dated: 7-3-2023
Extension Lecture in the Memory of Prof. BD. Sharma; Dated: 7-3-2023
Circular regarding supply of Books to the Department of Economics; Dated: 8-2-2023
Viva-Voce Examination of Mr. Mohammad Waseem Parray; Dated: 7-2-2023
Book list; Dated: 31-1-2023
Admission Notification-III; Dated: 18-1-2023
Time Table for Course work of Integrated Ph.D Batch-2022; Dated: 7-12-2022
Datesheet of MA 1st Semester, Batch 2022 and Backlog 2018-2019 Batches; Dated: 2-12-2022
Datesheet MA 4th Semester, Batch-2020 and Backlog 2018 to 2019 Batches; Dated: 2-12-2022
Datesheet GE/OE 1st Semester, Batch-2022; Dated: 26-11-2022
Provisional Admission list of Ph.D Programme of Batch 2022; Dated: 16-9-2022
Provision Admission to Ph.D Programme; Dated: 8-9-2022
Notice regarding Pre-Subssion (RPAC-IV); Dated: 6-9-2022
Notice regarding Alumini meet; Dated: 19-8-2022
Notice regarding Hostel Facility; Dated: 18-8-2022
Notice regarding Alumini meet 2022; Dated: 12-8-2022
Notice regarding merit scholarship of Batch 2020; Dated: 12-8-2022
Notice regarding Classwork of New Batch 2022; Dated: 11-8-2022
Course Work Examination of I.Ph.D Research scholar of Batch 2021; Dated: 6-8-2022
GE/OE Timetable for 4th Semester of Batch-2020; Dated: 2-8-2022
An Interactive Session on "Rethinking Rural Economy and Entrepreneurship in Kashmir" on 21-07-2022 at 02 :00 pm; Dated: 20-7-2022
Datesheet of 4th semester Batch 2016 Backlog; Dated: 28-6-2022
Datesheet of 4th semester Batch 2016 Backlog; Dated: 28-6-2022
Datesheet of 4th semester Batch 2016 Backlog; Dated: 28-6-2022
Datesheet of 4th semester Batch 2016 Backlog; Dated: 28-6-2022
Datesheet of 4th semester Batch 2016 Backlog; Dated: 28-6-2022
Notice-3 regarding PhD Admission; Dated: 24-6-2022
Notice2 regarding Admission in Ph.D Programme; Dated: 23-6-2022
Datesheet for 3rd Semester Examination of Batch-2020; Dated: 22-6-2022
Notice regarding RPAC Presentation; Dated: 22-6-2022
Notice Regarding Admission in PhD Programme; Dated: 22-6-2022
Notice; Dated: 8-6-2022
Time Table for GE/ OE Courses of 2nd Semester Batch-2021; Dated: 27-5-2022
Datesheet for Special Examination (Backlog) for MA 4th Semester Batches 2016 to 2019; Dated: 20-5-2022
Time Table for 2nd Semester of Batch 2021; Dated: 20-5-2022
Examination of GE/OE Courses of 3rd Semester, Batch-2020; Dated: 11-5-2022
End Term Examination of MA Economics 1st Semester, Batch-2021; Dated: 13-4-2022
One week Virtual Training workshop 18 to 22 April 2022; Dated: 4-4-2022
Time Table for 3rd Semester Batch 2020; Dated: 14-3-2022
Time Table for 1st semester Batch 2021; Dated: 14-3-2022
Time Table for Course work of Integrated Ph.D Batch 2020; Dated: 14-3-2022
Notice regarding Attendance; Dated: 8-3-2022
Time-Table-2022 for OE/GE Courses of 3rd Semester, Batch-2020; Dated: 28-2-2022
Time Table -2022 MA Economics 3rd Semester, Batch-2020; Dated: 28-2-2022
Datesheet for GE/OE Courses of 1st Semester, Batch2021; Dated: 21-2-2022
Notice regarding examination of Menetary Examination of 2nd Semester Batch 2020 (Regular) and Batch 2018&2019 (Backlog); Dated: 15-2-2022
Notice regarding Ph.D Viva-Voce examination of Mr. Saeed Owais Mushtaq Research Scholar; Dated: 9-2-2022
Notice regarding Ph.D Viva-Voce examination of Mr. Aijaz Ahmad Bhat; Dated: 10-2-2022
Call for Papers for Two Day Virtual International Conference on 24th -25th November, 2022.; Dated: 1-2-2022
Call for Papers for Two Day Virtual International Conference on 19th to 20th May, 2022; Dated: 1-2-2022
Notice regarding postponement of Examination of Batch-2020(Regular) & Batch-2018&2019 (Backlog); Dated: 17-1-2022
Datesheet of postponed paper of Regular Batch 2020 and Backlog 2018 &2019; Dated: 11-1-2022
Notice regarding DRC of Batch 2020; Dated: 22-12-2021
Notice regarding Examination of 2nd Semester Batch 2020; Dated: 22-12-2021
GE/OE Datesheet of 2nd Semester, Batch 2020; Dated: 16-12-2021
Timetable for Semester 1st GE/OE Courses of Batch-2021; Dated: 18-11-2021
Notice regarding Research Scholarship; Dated: 12-11-2021
Notice regarding Ph.D Admission session 2021; Dated: 12-11-2021
Datesheet of 2nd Semester (Internal Assessment) of Batch 2020; Dated: 9-11-2021
Time table for 1st semester Batch 2021; Dated: 9-11-2021
Time table for 2nd semester Batch-2020; Dated: 9-11-2021
Datesheet of 4th Semester Batch-2019 (Regular) and Batch-2018 (Backlog); Dated: 13-10-2021
Notice regarding Extention Lecture; Dated: 8-10-2021
Notice regarding RPAC; Dated: 8-10-2021
Notice; Dated: 5-10-2021
Time Table of 2nd Semester of Batch 2020; Dated: 30-9-2021
Time Table of 1st semester Students of Batch 2021; Dated: 30-9-2021
Notice regarding Ph.D Admission; Dated: 18-9-2021
Datesheet of GE/OE Courses of 4th Semester, Batch-2019; Dated: 26-8-2021
2nd Semester Time Table of GE/OE Courses of Batch-2020.; Dated: 16-8-2021
Time Table for Online Classes of MA Economics 4th Semester Batch-2019; Dated: 20-7-2021
Course Work Examination of Integrated Ph.D Batch-2020; Dated: 20-7-2021
Notice regarding greviences/ Suggestions; Dated: 1-7-2021
Online Timetable for 2nd Semester Batch 2020; Dated: 1-7-2021
Special Examination for MA 4th semester students of Batch-2018; Dated: 20-6-2021
Notice regarding Examination of 1st semester Backlog Batches 2018 and 2019; Dated: 15-6-2021
Datesheet of 1st Semester Examination of Batch-2020 (Regular) and Batch-2018/2019 (Backlog); Dated: 1-6-2021
Time table of GE/ OE Courses of 4th Semester Batch 2019.; Dated: 1-6-2021
Notice regarding 4th Semester Examination of Backlog/Division Improvement; Dated: 17-5-2021
Online Datesheet of GE/OE 1st semester Batch 2020; Dated: 11-5-2021
Online Datesheet of 4th semester Batch 2018 (Regular), Batch 2017 (Backlog) and Division Improvement; Dated: 11-5-2021
Datesheet of MA Economics 3rd Semester, Batch 2019; Dated: 7-4-2021
Datesheet of 4th semester Regular Batch 2018/Backlog Batch 2017/ Division Improvement; Dated: 7-4-2021
Call for papers for a Two-day Virtual International Conference; Dated: 2-4-2021
Time Table for 1st Semester GE & OE Courses of Batch 2020; Dated: 13-2-2021
Notice regarding Research Progress Assessment Committee (RPAC); Dated: 10-12-2020
Revised Timetable for Online Classes Batch 2020; Dated: 4-12-2020
Time Table of Open and Generic Electives for 3rd and 4th semester, 2019 & 2018 Batches; Dated: 3-12-2020
Interactive Session with Mr. Ghulam Geelani Nehvi (Ex.Commissioner Secretary, IAS Cadre in J&K Govt.) On 28-11-2020(Saturday); Dated: 26-11-2020
Datesheet of Open Elective Course Financial Markets (Eco-18003 OE); Dated: 19-11-2020
Time Table(II) for Course Work of I. Ph.D Batch 2020; Dated: 17-11-2020
Timetable for online classes 2020 Semester 3rd Batch 2019; Dated: 12-11-2020
Revised Timetable for online classes 2020 4th Semester Batch 2018; Dated: 12-11-2020
GE Datesheet for Batch 2019; Dated: 4-11-2020
Rescheduled Datesheet for MA 2nd semester Batch 2018; Dated: 12-10-2020
Rescheduled Paper of 2nd semester Batch 2018; Dated: 8-10-2020
Rescheduled Paper of Backlog 3rd semester Batch 2016 &2017; Dated: 8-10-2020
Course work Time Table of Research Scholars; Dated: 3-10-2020
Re-Scheduled Datesheet; Dated: 28-9-2020
Notice regarding Backlog/ Division Improvement Examination of Batch 2016 and 2017; Dated: 25-9-2020
Interaction-cum-Orientation session for Ph.D/ I. Ph.D Research Scholars of Session 2020; Dated: 22-9-2020
Revised Datesheet for Backlog Examination of M.A Economics 2nd, 3rd and 4th semester, Batch 2016 & 2017; Dated: 17-9-2020
Notice-III regarding Ph.D Admission Session 2020; Dated: 14-9-2020
Notice-II Regarding Ph.D Admission; Dated: 10-9-2020
Notice regarding rescheduling of Backlog examination of batch-2015-2017; Dated: 3-9-2020
Notice regarding rescheduling of Backlog examination of batch-2015-2017; Dated: 3-9-2020
Pre-submission presentation of Ph.D Research Scholars of Batch 2017& 2018; Dated: 3-9-2020
Provisional selection list of Ph.D/ Integrated M.Phil and Ph.D Programme session 2020; Dated: 3-9-2020
Datesheet for M.A. Economics 2nd, 3rd and 4th semester Backlog/Division Improvement Batch 2016-2017; Dated: 29-8-2020
Datesheet for M.A. Economics 3rd semester (Regular) Batch 2018; Dated: 29-8-2020
Datesheet for M.A. Economics 2nd semester (Regular) Batch 2018; Dated: 29-8-2020
Datesheet for M.A. Economics 2nd semester (Regular) Batch 2019; Dated: 29-8-2020
Datasheet for M.A. Economics 1st semester (Regular) Batch 2019; Dated: 29-8-2020
Notification regarding online Examination of Backlog/ Division Improvement of 2nd semester Batch 2015-2017; Dated: 7-8-2020
Notification regarding Backlog Examination of Batch 2015 -2017.; Dated: 7-8-2020
Online Examination of Open Elective (OE) and General Elective (GE) courses in Economics for semester 1st of Batch 2019 and 2nd semester of Batch 2018; Dated: 23-7-2020
Notice regarding final presentation on synopsis of Ph.D Scholars of batch 2019; Dated: 18-7-2020
Notice regarding OE and GE examination of 1st semester Batch 2019 and 2nd semester Batch 2018; Dated: 18-7-2020
Online Interaction/Presentation of Shortlisted candidates in Ph.D Programme in Economics; Dated: 8-7-2020
Detailed online pattern for continuous Assessment to be followed by the department; Dated: 22-6-2020
Date sheet and Instructions for conduct of Online Examination forMinor (Internal Assessment Component) for M. A., 2nd Semester, Batch 2019 & M. A., 3rd Semester, Batch 2018; Dated: 12-6-2020
Revised Timetable semester 3rd for Online classes batch 2018; Dated: 12-6-2020
Revised Timetable semester 2nd for Online classes batch 2019; Dated: 12-6-2020
Timetable OE/GE for semester 2nd and 3rd Batch 2019 and 2018 respectively w.e.f 5-6-2020; Dated: 5-6-2020
Duty roster of officials non-teaching w.e.f 1-6-2020 covid 19; Dated: 28-5-2020
Date Sheet for Electives (OE/GE) 1st & 2nd Semester Batch 2018-19; Dated: 9-3-2020
Meeting of DRC scheduled for 10-02-2020; Dated: 5-2-2020
Date Sheet For GE/OE Courses (Electives) of Semester 4th Batch 2017; Dated: 21-11-2019
Date Sheet for M.A Economics Semester 4th Batch 2017-18 & Backlog 2016; Dated: 4-11-2019
Datesheet integrated MPhil Phd; Dated: 27-7-2019
Revised Date Sheet 1st Semester Regular OE/GE; Dated: 29-6-2019
NOTICE Classwork for Semester 2nd Batch 2018; Dated: 24-6-2019
Revised Date Sheet 1st Semester Regular , Division Improvement , Backlog 1st -4th Semester; Dated: 12-6-2019
Notice:- Its for information of all concerned that interview for the position of contractual lectures has been postponed. Fresh dates will be announced by Dean of the school very soon.; Dated: 12-6-2019
Date Sheet M.A Economics, Semester 1st -4th Regular, Backlog & Division Improvement, Session JUne 2019; Dated: 28-5-2019
Datesheet special supplementary for Batch 2016; Dated: 16-5-2019
Date sheet M.A Economics Semester 1st Regular,Backlog & Division Improvement, Session June 2019; Dated: 15-5-2019
NOTICE Regarding Lectures on "Analysis of Complex Data Sets in STATA"; Dated: 7-5-2019
Notice Regarding Guest Lectures for Students/Scholars w.e.f 22-4-2019.; Dated: 17-4-2019
Notice Regarding Presentation Schedule for Scholars (2017-18); Dated: 10-4-2019
NOTICE; Dated: 18-3-2019
NOTICE; Dated: 11-3-2019
Revised Datesheet for Semester 3rd; Dated: 7-3-2019
Datesheet Semester 3rd -March 2019; Dated: 1-3-2019
Schedule of Presentation by 1st Semester Batch 2018; Dated: 12-2-2019
Schedule of Presentation by Research Scholars; Dated: 12-2-2019
Datesheet OE/GE for Semester 3rd Batch 2017; Dated: 19-1-2019
Conduct of Examination for Backlog Papers of M.A Economics 4th Semester; Dated: 10-1-2019
Datesheet for M.A Economics 3rd Semester Regular & Backlog Session 2018; Dated: 20-12-2018
Rechecking of OE/GE Answer scripts of 2nd semester batch-2017; Dated: 19-12-2018
DRC Meetings; Dated: 15-12-2018
Information for M.Phil / Ph.D scholars who have recently joined the Department; Dated: 14-12-2018
Date sheet for internal assessment 3rd semester batch 2017; Dated: 6-12-2018
SELECTION LIST OF M.Phil./ Ph. D./ Integrated Ph. D." in Economics; Dated: 16-11-2018
Notice regarding Course Work Examination for Ph.D Programme in the Department of Economics.; Dated: 15-11-2018
Information for M.phil /P. H. D applicants who have to appear for interaction on 20-10-2018 to bring Affdevit (format attached) by First Class magistrate; Dated: 17-10-2018
This is for information to students of M. A. Economics 4th semester of batch -2016 that the result of all courses have been uploaded.those who want to re evaluate can approach concerned faculty members up-to 15-10-2018 .; Dated: 11-10-2018
Registration form for One Week Survey Design & Data Management Workshop (SDDM) Organized by Department of Economics, University of Kashmir, Srinagar 29 October – 04 November 2018; Dated: 8-10-2018
Notice regarding M.Phil/ Ph.D interaction on 20-10-2018; Dated: 10-10-2018
One Week Survey Design & Data Management Workshop (SDDM) Organized by Department of Economics, University of Kashmir, Srinagar 29 October – 04 November 2018; Dated: 8-10-2018
Notice Admission for 3rd semester batch-2017; Dated: 25-9-2018
This is for information of the following students that their Viva -Voce of Masters Level Project Work has been fixed as per the following schedule:; Dated: 15-9-2018
date sheet for OE/GE consolidated; Dated: 13-9-2018
Revised Date sheet For M.A. Economics 3rd semester Backlog (2014 onwards)/ Div.imp. Spring 2018; Dated: 13-9-2018
Date sheet For M.A. Economics 3rd semester Backlog (2014 onwards)/ Div.imp. Spring 2018; Dated: 12-9-2018
4th semester checking of answer scripts on 10 of September, 2018 after 1:00pm, Eco-15409 Gender and Development; Dated: 7-9-2018
It is notified for the information of students of M.A.ECONOMICS 2ND semester Batch-2017 and Backlog that the examination of course No: Eco-17205-DCE, Monetary Economics and Eco-15206-DCE, Monetary Economics which is scheduled to be held on 29-08-2018 at 11:00 am, now will be held at 10:00am sharply on the same date.; Dated: 28-8-2018
Macroeconomics-II which was scheduled to be held on 27th of August, 2018 (Monday) have been postponed and will now be held on 5th of September, 2018(Wednesday).; Dated: 20-8-2018
rechecking 4th semester Money and Finance in India” (Eco-15410-OE); Dated: 7-8-2018
Following students of 2nd semester of batch 2017 are falling short of attendance and are not eligible for end term examination; Dated: 7-8-2018
checking of answer scripts of 4th semester batch-2016; Dated: 28-7-2018
REVISED DATESHEET Of M. A. Economics 2nd Semester End Term Examination, Regular Batch-2017 / Backlog—Batch- 2015 and 2016; Dated: 19-1-2002
Revised date sheet for 4th semester batch 2016; Dated: 10-7-2018
presentation schedule for Ph.D Scholars w.e.f 19-07-2018; Dated: 10-7-2018
Revised Datasheet for Open and Generic Elective 4th semester Batch-2016; Dated: 30-6-2018
Date sheet for OE/GE 2nd semester Batch-2017; Dated: 30-6-2018
Syllabus for P.G. Entrance in Economics (2018) University of Kashmir,Srinagar; Dated: 30-6-2018
This is for information of M.A. Economics, Batch -2017 that their Answer scripts of 1st semester have been evaluated, In case of any query they can approach to the concerned faculty member for checking their answer scripts on 30-06-2018 from 12:30pm to 3:30 pm. Any claim .query after the above mentioned date and time will not be entertained. All awards will be uploaded on 2nd July 2018.; Dated: 27-6-2018
It is notified for the information of below mentioned students of M.A. Economics 2nd semester that they can not appear in the examination of Unit –II of course No: ECO-17204DCE, ECO-17206DCE, and ECO-17207DCE, which is scheduled to be held on 28-06-2018 at 10:00 AM .; Dated: 27-6-2018
examination of Course No: ECO-17205DCE Titled Monetary Economics (Unit 2nd ) which was scheduled to be held on 21st of June-2018 at 03:00pm will now be held on 22nd of June -2018 at 2:00pm; Dated: 11-6-2018
Online examination forms of 4th semester batch-2016; Dated: 7-6-2018
Revised datasheet for M.A.Economics 4th semester batch-2016; Dated: 7-6-2018
rechecking of Answer scripts of OE/GE 1st semester Batch-2017; Dated: 7-6-2018
Shortage list of 2nd semester of batch-2017 up to the month of may,2018; Dated: 6-6-2018
Datasheet for M.A. (Economics), 2nd Semester, Batch-2017 Unit - 2nd; Dated: 6-6-2018
Special Session on Islamic Economics; Dated: 30-5-2018
Revised Date sheet for M.A.Economics 2nd semester Backlog; Dated: 18-5-2018
Datesheet for M.A.Economics 2nd semester backlog and exam forms for 2nd and 4th semester Backlog; Dated: 4-5-2018
tender specification; Dated: 16-3-2018
tender notice; Dated: 16-3-2018
presentation of Ms. Masrat Rasool Ph.D Research Schoalr is scheduled to be held on 17-03-2018 ( Saturday ) at 2:00pm in the Census Work station of the Departmen; Dated: 13-3-2018
This is for information of all those students of M.A Economics semester 3rd of Batch-2016 , who appeared in course No ECO15305DCE | Indian Financial System that their Answer Scripts have been evaluated.Draft award Roll is attached herewith.In case of any doubt students can approach concerned teacher on 16th and 17th February before 2:00 pm; Dated: 14-2-2018
examination form for 1st semester of Batch-2017; Dated: 6-2-2018
Date Sheet For Open Electives (OE)/Generic Electives (GE) Courses in Economics of 1st Semester Batch -2017; Dated: 23-12-2017
who have applied for admission to integrated Ph.D Programme at the Department of Economics, University of Kashmir are directed to report to the undersigned with all original documents on 22-12-2017 at 11:00 am; Dated: 19-12-2017
Re-evaluation of Answer Scripts of 4th semester Batch-2015 and for For M.A.Economics 3rdsemesterbacklog/Div.improvement; Dated: 15-1-2017
Date sheet for M.A.Economics 3rd semester Regular Batch-2016; Dated: 14-12-2017
revised Datesheet for M.A Economics 1st semester Batch-2017 and for Backlog; Dated: 12-12-2017
tender Notice; Dated: 13-12-2017
Date sheet for M.A.Economics 1st semester Batch-2017 and for Backlog; Dated: 11-12-2017
viva-voce examination of two Ph.D Scholars of the Department of Economics will be held on 27-11-2017; Dated: 22-11-2017
Date sheet for MAEconomics 3rd semester backlo.div.improvement; Dated: 17-11-2017
special lecture on 11-11-2017; Dated: 8-11-2017
extension lecture By Arjumand Hussain Talib on 2nd Aujust 2017 at; Dated: 31-7-2017
Open and Generic Electives Time Table for 1st and 4th semester (w.e.f 21st July-2017; Dated: 1-7-2017
Date sheet for M.A Economics 2nd Semester Regular/ Backlog/ Division Improvement May, 2017; Dated: 27-4-2017
Date sheet for postponed papers for M.A.economics 3rd Semester; Dated: 12-4-2017
Date sheet for M.A.Economics 4th Semester Backlog; Dated: 13-3-2017
Date sheet for M.A.Economics 3rd Semester Batch-2015 and Backlog/Div-Improvement; Dated: 11-3-2017
Presentation of PhD Scholars on 04-03-17 at 2:30pm; Dated: 4-3-2017
28-02-2016 Last Date of Admission 3rd Semester Batch-2015; Dated: 28-2-2016
Internal Assessment for 3rd Semester on 06-03-2017 and 07-03-2017 at 11:00am; Dated: 23-2-2017
Date sheet for Open and Generic Elective courses semester 1st Batch-2016; Dated: 21-2-2017
Date sheet for Open and Generic Elective courses semester 2nd Batch-2015; Dated: 21-2-2017
presentation of Ph.D scholarson 06-02-2016; Dated: 4-2-2017
presentation of Research Scholars on 18-01-2017; Dated: 18-1-2017
Exam of course no Eco-213 Economics of Development will be held on 05-01-2017 at 11:30am in department of Economics; Dated: 12-4-2016
Tender; Dated: 26-12-2016
specification; Dated: 12-4-2016
Internal Assesment Dates heet for Open and generic electives1st semester-2016; Dated: 22-12-2016
Date sheet for M.A.Economics 1st semester 2016 (Both shifts ); Dated: 15-12-2016
Internal Assesment of M.A.Economics 1st semester2016( Both shift); Dated: 28-11-2016
Revised date Sheet for M.A.Economics 2nd semester; Dated: 30-6-2016
Exam which was scheduled on 04-07-2016 is hereby postponed; Dated: 30-6-2016
Date sheet for M.A.Economics 2nd Semester; Dated: 20-6-2016
Assignment work for Ist Semester Students; Dated: 9-6-2016
Viva -Voce of Project work of Batch -2014; Dated: 8-6-2016
Internal Assessment test of 2nd semester Batch-2015 for open elective and general elective; Dated: 7-6-2016
Viva-Voce of Mr.Showkat Ahmad Bhat M.phil Scholar on 03-06-2016 at11:00am; Dated: 30-5-2016
Time Table for Ist Semester Supplementary Shift; Dated: 1-4-2016
TIME TABLE FOR Open and Generic Electives1st SEMESTER w.e.f. 28th March 2016 and 2nd SEMESTER w.e.f. 1st March 2016; Dated: 28-3-2016
TIME TABLE FOR 1st SEMESTER w.e.f. 28th March 2016 and 2nd SEMESTER w.e.f. 1st March 2016; Dated: 28-3-2016
Date sheet for 4th semester Regular /Backlog/Div.improvement; Dated: 25-2-2016
Time Table for 1st semester w.e.f 15th March-2016; Dated: 15-3-2016
Notice for out side students who missed internal Assessment earlier; Dated: 23-12-2015
Date sheet Open & General Elective Courses offered by the department of Economics for M.A/M.Sc. semester Ist Batch 2015, University of Kashmir; Dated: 23-12-2015
Notice Regarding Rescheduled Examination of M.A.Economics 1st Semester Regular/Backlog-2015; Dated: 14-12-2015
Call for Papers for Two Day National Seminar on "Growth & Development in North-Western Region: Issues & Perspectives on 16 to 17 March, 2016 at Department of Economics, University of Kashmir; Dated: 16-3-2016
Revised date sheet for M.A.Economics 1st semester Regular/Backlog; Dated: 10-12-2015
Date sheet for M.A.Economics 1st semester Regular Backlog; Dated: 14-11-2015
Date Sheet for Internal General Elective and Open Elective, Ist semester, Department of Economics.; Dated: 10-11-2015
presentation of Research Scholars namely Mr.Fayaz Ahmad Bhat (Ph.D) and Mr. Showkat Ahmad Bhat (M.Phil)on 05-11-2015 at 2:00pm; Dated: 2-11-2015
Guest lecture on "Econometrics of Qualitative and limited Dependent variable" By prof . S.Madheswaran; Dated: 10-10-2015
Information for JRF candidates; Dated: 18-8-2015
Presentation of Mr.Fayaz Ahmad Bhat Ph.D scholar on 28-08-2015 at 2:30 pm; Dated: 27-8-2015
Time Table w.e.f 21st of August-2015; Dated: 21-8-2015
Viva Voce Examination of Mr. Bilal Ahmad Sheikh Ph.D scholar on 17-08-2015 at 2:30 pm; Dated: 7-4-2015
Extension lecture on Census info and by Mr.Om.Prakash and Mr.A.K Bhargav; Dated: 4-5-2015
Circular for Research Scholars; Dated: 8-6-2015
One Week Workshop on Empirical Research Using Micro-Level Data of NSSO from 30th March to 5th April 2015; Dated: 30-3-2015
Presentation schedule for Research Scholars; Dated: 9-5-2015
Academic Calender-2015; Dated: 16-5-2015
Information for Research Scholars and students of 3rd semester; Dated: 19-5-2015
Department of Economics is organising an Economic Outreach Session on 20th May-2015 Addressed By Dr. Arvind Subramanian, Chief Economic Advisor (Secretary Level), Ministry of Finance Government of India Chief Economic Advisor Ministry of Finance Govt of India; Dated: 20-5-2015
Notice for Registered scholars; Dated: 6-5-2015
Fee structure for M.phil /Ph.D session 2015; Dated: 23-2-2015
Circullar regarding publishing of GULALA; Dated: 24-1-2015
Information for Research scholars; Dated: 21-1-2015
Format; Dated: 10-1-2015
Information for Research Scholars; Dated: 10-1-2015
Information for Research Scholars; Dated: 12-1-2015
Date sheet for M.A.Economics 2nd and 4th semester; Dated: 31-1-2015
Seating Plan of UGC NET -December-2014; Dated: 28-12-2014
Notice for submission of Examination forms 2nd semester; Dated: 1-12-2014
Syllabus Under choice Based credit Scheme effective from -2014; Dated: 15-4-2014
Notice for Submission of examination forms 4th semester; Dated: 29-11-2014
Time Table for Research Scholars; Dated: 25-11-2014
Presentation Schedule of Research Scholars of Session 2014-2015; Dated: 25-11-2014
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