
On behalf of the Department of Economics, University of Kashmir, I feel privileged to welcome you to our website. Department of Economics is among the pioneer departments of the University of Kashmir. It was founded in 1966 as a Post Graduation Department for teaching and exploring newer pros and cons through research programs in the ever changing arena of economics. The department has not only remained hub of international and national events like conferences, seminars and workshops but also a centre stage for many great economists and noble laureates.

Since its inception it has played a prominent role in human resource development of the state. With focus on teaching, research and extension, the department aspires to become not only the knowledge disseminating centre but also the knowledge generating platform. The department strives to lay down foundations of knowledge economy by preparing our students to befit the societal demands and requirements. I am convinced that U.T. of Jammu & Kashmir has sufficient resource endowments to absorb all the properly educated and trained youth. Neverthless, such a mission could be achieved by dedicated teachers, students and state adminstrative machinery by putting their efforts across in a collaborative manner. Our emphasis on Jammu & Kashmir economy in both teaching and research is a humble step towards achieving this feat. However, in view of swiftly changing economic scenario of the world, there is a dire need to enlarge and extend the boundaries of teaching, learning and research in order to meet the promising goals and challanges way ahead. And together we can accomplish it. 

Prof.Effat Yasmin
Head Of Department